Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition News 3.14.2023: International Women’s Day; UN Human Rights Council Smears Nicaragua

1. Women’s Rights in Nicaragua

Nica Notes: NicaNotes: “We’re Not Fighting for Space Anymore:” Women in Power in Nicaragua In recent years, Nicaragua has emerged as the most gender equal country in the Americas, and is currently number seven worldwide, according to the World Economic Forum’s 2022 Global Gender Gap Report. Nicaragua has managed to create an historically equal government ranked number five in the world for women’s political empowerment. But perhaps unique to Nicaragua, the women in positions of power are overwhelmingly worker and peasant women – many of whom are Indigenous and Afro-descendant.

NicaNotes: The Gains of Nicaraguan Women during the Second Sandinista Government After the 1979 Sandinista victory, living conditions for women drastically improved, achievements that the period of neoliberal rule (1990-2006) did not completely overturn. Throughout the second Sandinista period (2007- today), the material and social position of women again made giant steps forward. The greatest advance has been made by impoverished women in the rural areas and barrios, historically without safety, electricity, water and sanitation services, health care, or paved roads. The liberation women have attained during the Sandinista era cannot be measured only by what we apply in North America: equal pay for equal work, the right to abortion, the right to affordable childcare, freedom from sexual discrimination.


2. Response to the UN Human Rights Council Report

Stephen Sefton: On the latest UN Human Rights Council report on Nicaragua In general, practically all reports on Nicaragua by international human rights institutions and organizations fail to check information supporting false claims, omit facts inconvenient to their findings and claim a commitment to transparency even while failing to engage adequately rival versions of events. They make highly selective use of sources and systematically avoid genuinely independent corroboration of accusations by seeking to verify accounts only with sources suffering from these self-same failings. This latest report for the UN Council for Human Rights shares these irremediable defects.

Nicaragua’s statement to the UN Human Rights Council – March 6 2023  Nicaragua’s statement to the UN Human Rights Council – March 3rd 2023 The country’s official responses to the UN Human Rights Council on its report attacking Nicaragua.

Exposing the false UN Council for Human Rights report on Nicaragua Links to material refuting attacks instrumentalizing human rights to smear Nicaragua.

These countries slammed UNHRC for its attack on Nicaragua DPRK, Venezuela, Belarus, Cuba, Iran, Russia, Eritrea, Syria, and China voiced opposition to the methods of the expert group and the use of unverified findings to call for additional unilateral coercive measures. The 300-page report is based on false accounts and allegations and is demonstrably and egregiously selective in its presentation of evidence since the group systematically excluded a large quantity of local sources, such as hundreds of testimonies by Sandinistas, major Nicaraguan news channels which published highly relevant material, and reports on specific incidents during the period in question (2018), and investigative documentaries.


3. Webinars:

Sunday, April 23:  Agroecology in Nicaragua

Sunday, May 28:  View From the Ground:  What We Experienced in Nicaragua in 2018


4. March 18: Leafleting at Washington DC Anti-War Demonstration about the reality of Nicaragua and the work of the Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition. Contact Jill Clark-Gollub,


5. Upcoming Delegations to Nicaragua

April 27-May 6 Nicaragua delegation by Friends of the ATC

May 13-22 and June 19-26 delegations to Nicaragua

June 17-27 Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast Delegation with Friends of the ATC


6. Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition:

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