Venezuela & ALBA News 5.23.2024: ALBA Countries Mourn their ally Iran President Raisi; Interview with Cuba President Diaz-Canel; President Maduro’s Economic Achievements


Al Mayadeen: Venezuela VP Delcy Rodriguez says sanctions and war are the center of US foreign policy She stated sanctions, “along with war,” is the “central axis” of the United States’ foreign strategy. Delcy Rodriguez said that the US’ unilateral coercive steps are intended to compel Venezuela into changing its path of self-determination and autonomy, and that the sanctions constitute new neocolonial tactics.

Mision Verdad: The Indisputable Achievements of Nicolas Maduro in the Economic Field We review the government’s strategies to mitigate the impact of sanctions and lay the foundations for economic recovery… Since the end of 2023, a marked slowdown in the inflation rate has been observed – which began in 2018 – a sign of the effectiveness of the economic policies implemented by the Maduro government in combating hyperinflation… The stimulation of private sector participation and the management of monetary liquidity have become fundamental pillars in the exchange system, which has demonstrated its ability to facilitate growth despite the continuity of US sanctions… Venezuela has also experienced a profound transformation in its agricultural sector by reversing its historical dependence on imports, which has led to guaranteeing internal supply in the context of the blockade. The Local Supply and Production Committees (CLAP) program, which distributes food to 7,600,000 Venezuelan families, is now 97% nourished by national products.

Venezuelanalysis: Maduro Mourns Death of Iran’s Ebrahim Raisi, an ‘Unconditional Friend’ of Venezuela “We are deeply saddened by having to say goodbye to an exemplary person, an extraordinary world leader, an excellent human being, defender of the sovereignty of his people and unconditional friend of our country,” said Maduro via social media. “From Bolivarian lands, we express our deep sorrow to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and wish for divine comfort for such profound losses. We share the grief that overwhelms his family and our Iranian brothers and sisters in these difficult times. A heartfelt embrace from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. You, Iran, are an example of dignity, morality, and resilience. Strength, brothers and sisters,” he added. Latin American leaders likewise reacted to the news. Brazilian President Lula da Silva, Bolivian President Luis Arce, and Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel also expressed their sadness and condolences over Raisi’s passing.

Orinoco Tribune: Venezuela Thanks Iran for Assistance in Economic Recovery Foreign Minister Yván Gil thanked Iran for assisting Venezuela in recovering its oil production and national economy despite the illegal US blockade. “We have been able to recover oil production thanks to Iran.” Gil traveled to Tehran to participate in the funeral ceremony of the martyred Iranian President Raisi and his entourage. He added that Iran has contributed to Venezuela’s production of almost one million barrels of oil per day, and  Venezuela’s current economic recovery would not have been possible without Iran’s cooperation. The Venezuelan foreign minister recalled that, after the United States imposed unilateral coercive measures against Venezuela and its oil industry, production fell from some two million barrels per day to 300,000 barrels per day.

While there are 936 measures against Venezuela, Iran is the second most sanctioned country in the world, with 2595 measures, only after Russia. Despite the sanctions, “Venezuela is benefiting from its alliance with Iran, in agricultural, transportation, and health fields,” the Venezuelan minister said. “Iran has taught the world how to face sanctions with dignity.”

Roger Harris: The Biggest Obstacle to Free and Fair Elections in Venezuela Is the US: Prospects for the Presidential Contest Under Conditions of Blackmail For all the hullabaloo about “free and fair elections” in Venezuela by the US government, its corporate press deliberately ignores the US sanctions designed to make life so miserable that the people will acquiesce to Washington’s plan for regime change. Such outside electoral meddling by sanctions is orders of magnitude greater than the supposed “Russiagate” interference in the 2016 US presidential contest. Washington brazenly leaves no ambiguity about its intent to punish the Venezuelan people for choosing a government not to its liking. As a result of US-EU sanctions, Venezuela experienced the largest peacetime economic contraction in recent world history. President Maduro has turned the Venezuelan ship of state around against such unfavorable winds. By the end of 2023, Venezuela had recorded 11 quarters of consecutive growth after years of economic contraction. The propaganda campaign by the US state and its stenographers in the press to delegitimize the Venezuela election process is ramping up. But the very fact that any of the US-backed opposition is contesting in the upcoming election rather than boycotting indicates that they are no longer relying on an extra-parliamentary overthrow of the government. This itself represents a significant victory for the Chavistas.


TeleSur: Cuba Decrees Official Mourning for Iranian President’s Death “The Cuban people and government stand with Iran in this moment of grief,” President Diaz-Canel pointed out. He declared an official period of mourning in Cuba. “The Cuban people and government stand with Iran in this moment of grief and express their confidence that the Islamic Revolution will move forward and recover from this unfortunate event.” 

Granma: Cuba President Díaz-Canel interview with Ignacio Ramonet An important and in depth interview with the Cuban president on the effects of the US blockade, the state of the economy, and how Cuba is striving to overcome the difficulties.


Nicaragua Government Pays Tribute to Palestine on Nakba Day “Today, on another anniversary of the 1948 Nakba, we remember the lasting impact of this tragic event and its inextricable relationship with the current situation in Palestine…Despite the ongoing crimes of occupation against the Palestinian people, their resistance and conviction leads them to persist and fight to achieve the end of the occupation. On this day of commemoration, it is crucial to remember the importance of human rights and the search for a just and lasting solution.Today more than ever, it is vital that the international community wake up from its lethargy and act decisively in support of justice and peace for Palestine.”


Chicago ALBA Solidarity: $6,000 Matching Fund to fulfill Code Pink project to raise $55,000 to send Milk for Cuba’s Children Code Pink and Carlos Lazo, founder of Puentes de Amor, are raising $55,000 to send milk to Cuba for hospitalized children. They are close to fulfilling their goal, now at $41,000. We are having a $6,000 matching find to help raise the rest so the milk can be sent.

National Network on Cuba: Help us to send cardiac pacemakers to Cubans who need them to survive. And act to stop the U.S. government’s economic siege of Cuba



May 30: Venezuela Solidarity Network – US Sanctions, Democracy, and Elections in Venezuela with Camila Fabri Saab

June 10: Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition monthly zoom meetings: second Monday of the month 2:30 PM ET. Email in advance to access.

June 13: Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition and others: Webinar Hands off the Uhuru 3 with the Uhuru 3, Lawyer Leonard Goodman, moderated by Margaret Kimberley

June 23: Nicaragua Webinar: An Arrow in the Quiver of Empire: Weaponizing Human Rights with Alfred de Zayas authored The Human Rights Industry. and John Perry


Delegations to Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua

1. AFGJ Delegation to Venezuela July 21-31Join us in Venezuela during its presidential elections to witness, experience and learn about popular democracy in action and celebrate 22 years of the Bolivarian Revolution since the attempted coup against President Hugo Chávez.

2. Cuba Delegations

National Single Payer delegation to Cuba Single Payer webinar video Against All Odds: What the US Can Learn from the Cuban Health Care System

Upcoming delegations to Cuba: IFCO/Pastors for Peace 32nd Friendshipment Brigade

Witness for Peace delegations to Cuba 

July 2024: Venceremos Brigade trip to Cuba

Friendly Planet delegations to Cuba

3. Nicaragua Delegations Casa Ben Linder 2024 delegations

Email to apply:

November 8-17 2024: Salud & Solidaridad: Hands-On Healthcare in Nicaragua  

February 2025: The Bird Brigade: Birding in Solentiname Arquipelago 

March 2025: Power & Protagonism: Women in Nicaragua 


If you have events to publicize or find helpful articles for readers on the ALBA countries, please send them to,  or you can post them on Facebook here: Venezuela; Nicaragua; Bolivia; Latin America in general (here or here) Or send them to

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