Nicaragua’s Laureano Ortega: We see with great optimism the strengthening of this new multilateral world order

“We see with great optimism the strengthening of this New World Order, we have even already applied, to the Russian Federation as Pro Tempore Presidency of BRICS, so that Nicaragua can be a partner country of this great bloc”

Interview with Comrade Laureano Ortega Murillo, Special Representative of the President of Nicaragua for Affairs with Russia with journalist Semyon Sederrov

June 9, 2024

S.S. Today we have the opportunity to talk with the Special Envoy of the Nicaraguan President, Laureano Ortega Murillo, thank you very much for finding time for us. First of all, to ask you about this visit to Russia, what are the objectives you are pursuing, the goals?

L.O. Bueno, thank you Semión for this interview in this important medium. We are here, first of all, as a delegation of the People and Government of Nicaragua, with a great sense of admiration and gratitude to the government and people of the Russian Federation.

Admiration, for all that you have achieved, for the progress of this important Forum, which brings together so many delegations from all over the world to advance in economic and commercial cooperation, and, grateful that Russia, in addition to carrying out this battle against fascism, this global movement for the formation of the new world order, at the same time continues to develop cooperation programs and projects with the countries of the world, and especially with Nicaragua, and that is something that we are deeply grateful for.

S.S. You mentioned the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, if I may ask you, what meetings have you had, what meetings have been useful, perhaps?

L.O. Bueno, we have held a working meeting with Dr. Veronika Skvortsova, Co-President of our Nicaragua-Russia Joint Commission; we have participated in some Panels, the Panel of the Russia-Latin America Session; a Panel on Culture as an engine of the Economy.

It is very pleasant for us to share with our Russian Brothers the progress in the Cooperation Programs, to give continuity to the Projects and Programs, and to reaffirm our unconditional support and solidarity, at all times.

S.S. You mentioned Dr. Veronika Skvortsova, and I would like to ask about cooperation between Russia and Nicaragua in the field of medicine, in the field of vaccines. How is this today?

L.O. We are at a very high level. This has been the sector of our Cooperation where we have focused our efforts in recent years, with extraordinary results for Nicaragua, which have greatly benefited our population, which have allowed the use of Russian technologies in Nicaragua and from Nicaragua to Central and Latin America.

So, there we have concentrated our efforts on the development of the Latin American Institute of Biotechnology Mechnikov Plant, on giving continuity to the production of vaccines against influenza, the new vaccines that are working against the human papillomavirus that we are also already implementing in our country and technology transfers are being carried out for their production in Managua; other vaccines, such as the Dengue vaccine, which is also being worked on; products such as Insulina.

And then, the other major project that we are developing in the health sector is a Nuclear Medicine Center with ROSATOM, with the support of Dr. Skvortsova, from the Federal Medical Biological Agency of the Russian Federation, and that will allow us to have a hospital for the treatment of cancer in our country. These are extraordinary results for Nicaragua, and we thank the Russian Federation for this support.

S.S. But I understand that this Cooperation is not only for Nicaragua, but also crosses borders and will also help the Region.

L.O. Exactly. All the Projects that we have been developing with Russia have a regional character, with Nicaragua as a platform for the Central American Region, Nicaragua as the partner and strategic ally that offers this space so that Russia, its companies, its institutions, can develop broadly, and see beyond what may be the attempts to stop us through the so-called sanctions that are illegal aggressions. and we continue to promote cooperation with Russia by overcoming these obstacles.

S.S. Speaking of the sanctions, Russia and Nicaragua recently signed a Joint Declaration against these measures by the United States and the European Union. At the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum we have noticed that, apparently, the sanctions are failing, right? I would like to ask, what measures are Russia and Nicaragua implementing?

L.O. Well, we repudiate, we condemn, those actions that are illegal, those so-called sanctions, of the United States and its European allies that follow them as lackeys, and with the Russian Federation we share that challenge, and in many ways we even consider them medals, because every time they sanction us we see that we are doing something right. Otherwise, they would not do it.

There we have established programs that allow us to overcome the obstacles posed by these sanctions, through the strengthening of financial cooperation. We are working to be able to establish the MIR System [Russian credit card payment system] in Nicaragua, and in this way be able to strengthen the economic link with Russia, without having to use the traditional systems of hegemonism dominated by the United States.

And we have seen in recent weeks the sanctions that were imposed against the Center of the Ministry of Interior of Russia in our country, which is a center that works for the security of the Central American Region, a center against drug trafficking, which has provided training to our brothers and sisters in Central America, the Caribbean, Latin America, not only in Nicaragua. We condemn that action, and we have told our brothers in the Russian Federation that our response to this sanction is to strengthen and expand cooperation in that Center.

S.S. Why do you think that, despite the failure of sanctions, Western countries, they are still betting on this policy?

L.O. I think it is a desperate measure, since what in Latin American countries we call “drowning moves” of a system that is already failed, so that there is no other way out than these actions of unbridled destabilization, which do not have the desired effect. Because what has happened, then, is that the birth of the new world order has awakened with greater force, the strengthening of the new blocs, such as the BRICS, such as the Eurasian Economic Union, which have been strengthening; the Strategic Alliance between Russia and China, with Iran also there strengthening its capacities, and the Latin American countries that play a fundamental role in the development of the new work model.

And we see with great optimism the strengthening of this new world order, we have even already applied, before the Russian Federation as Pro Tempore Presidency of the BRICS, so that Nicaragua can be a partner country of this great bloc, and we are sure that we are going to achieve it and that we are going to be able to be part of that great family that is working for a more just world, a better world.

S.S. A fairer world, a better, multipolar world… What are the obstacles to getting there, now, both globally and specifically in Latin America?

L.O. The main obstacle we face is the selfishness, the hunger for domination by U.S. imperialism, which remains there as the very spirit of its system, which has dominated the Latin American countries and continues with its attempts to dominate the entire world. But we are facing it, Nicaragua, as an example of dignity, of courage. We are now about to celebrate the 45th Anniversary of the People’s Revolution on July 19, and we are firmer and stronger than ever, resisting the continuous onslaughts and aggressions of the United States and its European allies.

We are sure that we are already close to having a new reality in the world, economies are already transforming, the United States is no longer the first economy in the world, and that allows us to establish new links, new ways of working.

We have signed a Free Trade Agreement with China, we are strengthening the trade link with Russia, so there is a way to diversify markets, to establish new links, and also to further develop cultural cooperation, sports, cooperation in all fields, which allows us to be more united, stronger, to face that adversary that sees us as a threat because we do not share that ideology of selfishness.

And I am sure that, with the Grace of God, with the wisdom of our leaders, of our President Commander Daniel Ortega, our Vice President Comrade Rosario Murillo, strategically allied with President Putin here in Russia, with President Xi in China, we are going to achieve that great objective of achieving prosperity for all, in a mutually beneficial approach to all.

S.S. So, are new centers being created for this multipolar world?

L.O. Exactly. New pillars for development are being created, new exchange centers; one of the star projects in the world at present is China’s Great Belt and Road project, which shares development with all countries in the world.

We are making large investments in infrastructure in our country with the sister People’s Republic of China, and we are sure, and we are seeing it, that Russia’s industries and technologies have an important role to play there as well.

We are also developing it with our brothers in Belarus, from where we will be importing construction and other types of machinery, which will play an important role in the development of Nicaragua.

And Nicaragua is always open to trade and cooperation with all the countries of the world, because we understand that the peoples are one thing and the governments are another, and we keep open and constant investments from the United States, from Mexico, from Europe, and promoting new markets, such as Russia, like China, which we are sure in a short time will take the first places in our countries.

S.S. And in that future we are talking about, in your opinion, what place awaits the US dollar?

L.O. Well, we believe that the dominance of the dollar empire is going to end, it is a trend that is even natural, in a certain way, when we see the development and progress of the new emerging economies, and we are promoting, in that sense, credits, financing with Russia, with China, in yuan, in rubles, so that these currencies can be strengthened worldwide, and that we do not depend only on one currency, on a system that has sadly been used for blackmail and economic terrorism by the United States and its European allies.

Russia lives it daily, Nicaragua lives it daily, Venezuela, Cuba, our Sister Countries in Latin America, that suffer these onslaughts of the illegality of the United States, and we are convinced that the hegemony of the dollar will come to an end, soon.

S.S. You also mentioned the BRICS bloc, this year Russia presides over the bloc, and the Summit will be in October, in Kazan; There are numerous events that are scheduled throughout this year, I would like to ask if Nicaragua will participate in these events. What plans do you have for the BRICS Summit, and what objectives do you pursue?

L.O. We, as a primary objective at this time, is to be a partner country, and for this purpose we have already submitted our disposition, our request to the Russian Federation as Presidency Pro Tempore. We hope that this can be fulfilled, in the short or medium term, complying with all the procedures. And, all these meetings that are taking place, including some panels and sessions within the same Forum where we are currently here in St. Petersburg, are of vital importance because they give us a clear vision of where this bloc is going, to give our contributions from where we are responsible, with our economies, with our regions, and in this way to create this community that will benefit us all, to face what will then be the birth of a New Development Model.

S.S. But this New Development Model is still, in my opinion, affected by conflicts in the world, for example. In fact Nicaragua supported the proposal of China and Brazil for peace in Ukraine. In your opinion, what obstacles exist now?

L.O. Well, we are first of all with Russia in this great battle that they are waging against fascism in Ukraine; we have supported that Joint Declaration of China and Brazil, as a viable measure to contribute to a peaceful, political solution to this situation that is regrettable due to the number of deaths it causes.

But we see as the main obstacle the United States and its European allies, who are financing, fomenting, and promoting hatred there in Ukraine, financing, fomenting and promoting death, and financing, encouraging and promoting the military industry, which is the big business they have.

So long as they do not give up on that objective of ending Russia, and then they go after China, and then all the countries that have a different Ideology, their own model, we have to be firm, firm with Russia, because we know that the victory of Russia is certain. It is the victory of the world.

S.S. In your opinion, how does this conflict and other conflicts that exist now, affect the economic relationships?

L.O. It has an impact, for example, on wheat, on logistics chains, on prices in the global economy, and it has an impact because some countries are also taking extreme measures, such as those we saw in recent years, which were taken against Russia. And it has meant new challenges and obstacles for us in terms of logistics, shipping, forms of payment, which we have been able to overcome, thanks to the great strength we have in our relationship as a brotherhood.

But, without a doubt, it has an impact on the whole world, but in my view, in our view, the greatest result we are seeing is, finally, a certainty that we are moving forward with a new model, a new system that was, and is, more necessary than ever.

The objectives were clearly stated of who is fighting against our peoples, our countries, our peace, our independence, our sovereignty, including among us Russia, China, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Cuba, and all the countries that have our own development model; and the enemy are there in that bloc with the United States, with Europe, promoting hatred, violence, destruction, and who are for a better world, a more just world.

S.S. Many of the countries, especially in Europe, that support this US policy against Russia, are losing economically. Still, they continue to support the United States. In your opinion, why do they continue to do so?

L.O. Bueno, because historically there is already a sense of submission, a sense of being dependent also on the economic interests of the elites of these countries, who take advantage of these situations. Because we have been able to observe that, in many of these situations, large companies end up making more money from the rest of humanity, taking advantage of wars, the military industry, and situations of emergency. And then they tell you very clearly: Objectives set. At the end of the situation, at the end of the conflict, we are going to rebuild, they say, with our own companies, this is good for our economies. That is the point of sale that they propose to their populations.

In other words, these are macabre and perverse conceptions, and that allows support these policies, because in addition, let’s remember that the United States comes from Europe, the United States are the European immigrants, who had and have had that slave vision in the history of humanity, who have had that vision of domination, of empire, and that remains alive.

The peoples are waking up, we see these protests in the United States in support of the Palestinian cause as well, against the genocide that is being carried out in Palestine, which we have also widely repudiated, we always support the Palestinian cause. And this awakening of the peoples, we are sure, will mean that we will arrive, sooner rather than later, at that confirmation of a new world order.

S.S. Returning to the Latin American Region, I would like to ask, what are, in your opinion, the main challenges facing Latin America in general?

L.O. Bueno, we have to work for union. Because we all have a common objective of the development of our peoples, of our countries, breaking the chains of Empire, of the domination of the United States, of dependence on a market, when we have strategic partners who are sharing with us technologies, trade, cooperation, academic training, sports culture, and there we have to expand our vision.

All Latin American countries are more united than ever in multilateral forums such as CELAC; strengthen our mechanisms within ALBA, the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas, and from Central America as well, within the Central American System of Economic Integration, and all the mechanisms that allow us to be united, to share experiences, but to be very clear that we must work for the development of our peoples, under our own conditions, without external impositions.

S.S. You said that we have to work for the Union of Latin America, is there anything that prevents it?

L.O. I believe that each country has its right to develop under its own conditions, perhaps there is nothing that prevents it, but there is always the element of interference from the United States, which works to create disunity among our peoples to keep us divided.

And there are policies of destabilization in our countries, especially where we have progressive governments, governments of the left, there are always attempts at color revolutions. That is a work that we have also been strengthening with the Russian Federation, with the Russian Security Council, to strengthen the capacities to confront these attempts at Color Revolutions.

So that incidence of the foreign policy of the United States on our peoples, on our governments, is always a factor that is there, and that we must be alert and clear that we deserve dignity. The Independence of our peoples is something that we have to defend.

S.S. What benefit could those who seek to destabilize the situation in Latin America derive from this situation?

L.O. Bueno, economic benefits of course, Latin America has so many natural resources; geostrategic benefits, for example Nicaragua has a privileged geostrategic point in the center of the continent, the ability to build an interoceanic canal in Nicaragua, it is a unique country in that sense, it has all the physical conditions to be able to build a canal that is even larger than the Panama Canal, and that will be useful for the future. and we are working on the development of that.

But that has even been one of the points of obsession of the United States with our country, since the arrival of the first European conquerors and then the passage of the numerous invasions of the United States in our country, that has been a point always in force, the possibility of building the country for Nicaragua. And we defend our law, our ability to develop it under our own conditions.

S.S. Well, I hope all the goals are met. Laureano, thank you very much for this interview.

L.O. Thank you, Compañero.

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